The island also boasts ancient petroglyphs, which date back before the arrival of the local native tribes.
We have many local attractions that make Wrangell unique in Alaska. You can tour the mighty Stikine River, or see bears in the wild at Anan Bear Observatory, which has one of the largest concentration of bears in Alaska. Wrangell also has one of the largest spring concentrations of bald eagles in the world. For those with a taste for more civilized adventures, try playing 18 holes at our local golf course, Muskeg Meadows.
Alaska Airlines provides daily flights to Wrangell and we have a shuttle van for free trips between the Ferry and the Airport.
Wrangell also features plenty of hiking, camping, fishing, and wildlife viewing of all types. There are at least 10 different developed, maintained camping areas on the island, as well as numerous smaller, local-created places to camp or just spend some quiet time. For hikers, there are two trails located within convenient walking distance of the hotel, as well as numerous beautiful trails within easy driving distance. More information is available from the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce. They are located in the south wing of our building so stop by and pick up flyers and informative brochures about the area. Muddy Water Adventures offers tours and water taxi services in the waters around Wrangell and within the Tongass National Forest.
Use either your car or a car rented from our local agency, Practical Rent-A-Car. They can be reached at (907)874-3975,and their vehicles will allow you easy access to such trails as Rainbow Falls, Pat's Lake, and the Shoemaker Bay Overlook, which has unrivalled views of the surrounding islands and one of our lovely harbors. |